Best Inspirational Photography Quotes and Shareable Social Graphics

Inspirational Photography Quotes

If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration and the best inspirational photography quotes, then make sure to check out this list.

Photography is a creative outlet that inspires people to create, capture and share. It’s no wonder there are thousands of beautiful inspirational photography quotes from the industry.

These photography quotes are the perfect inspiration for the budding artists and beginner photographers so we wanted to bring some of our favorite right to you.

Best Inspirational Photography Quotes

This is an ongoing list of 50+ best photography quotes and graphics for you to share. Enjoy!

I don't shoot what It looks like. I shoot what it feels like

“I don’t shoot what it looks like. I shoot what it feels like.” – Author Unknown

“The more pictures you see, the better you are as a photographer.” – Robert Mapplethorpe

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson

“You don’t take a photograph. You ask, quietly to borrow it.” – Author Unknown

“When your heart jumps every time your camera locks focus… you’ve become a photographer.” – Mark Denman

“I think of photography like therapy.” – Harry Gruyaert

“A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.” – Eudora Welty

More Quotes To Share

Photography to me is catching a moment quote

“Photography to me is catching a moment which is passing, and which is true.” – Jacques-Henri Lartigue

“Photography is the beauty of life captured.” – Tara Chisolm

“Photography can light up darkness, and expose ignorance.” – Lewis Hine

“It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter.” – Alfred Eisenstaedt

“Only photograph what you love.” – Tim Walker

“It is one thing to photograph people. It is another to make others care about them by revealing the core of their humanness.” – Paul Strand

“Photography is a connection of light and emotions in a split second that you will never see again.” – Jason Pena

“Photographs open doors into the past, but they also allow a look into the future.” – Sally Mann

In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality - alfred stieglitz

“In Photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality” – Alfred Stieglitz

“A good photography records. A great photographer reveals.” – Skyler Reid

“Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world.” – Bruno Barbey

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“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow.” – Imogen Cunningham

“Buying a Nikon doesn’t make you a photography. It makes you a Nikon owner.” – Author Unknown

“No place is boring, If you’ve had a good night sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film.” – Robert Adams

“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.”– Andy Warhol

the biggest cliche in photography is sunset and sunrise

“The biggest cliche in photography is sunset and sunrise” – Catherine Opie

“The art of photography is all about directing the attention of the viewer.” – Steven Pinker

“There is one thing the photograph must contain, the humanity of the moment.” – Robert Frank

“Once photography enters your bloodstream, it’s like a disease.” – Author Unknown

“Wherever there is light, one can photograph.” – Alfred Stieglitz

“Street photography is like fishing. Catching the fish is more exciting than eating it…” – Thomas Leuthard

A camera didn't make a great picture quote

“A camera didn’t make a great picture anymore than a typewriter wrote a great novel.” – Peter Adams

When words beceme unclear, I shall focus with photographs

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs.  When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” – Ansel Adams

Todays moments are tomorrow's memories

“Today’s moments are tomorrow’s memories.” – Author Unknown

“Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” – Elliot Erwitt

“There is a vast difference between taking a picture and making a photograph.” – Robert Heinecken

“When people look at my pictures, I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line in a poem twice.” – Robert Frank

“My photography is the result of being there at the right moment.” – Rene Burri

Photography is the story I fail to put into words

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.” – Destin Sparks

“I like form and shape and strength in pictures.” – Herb Ritts

“Don’t pack up your camera until you’ve left your location.” – Joe McNally

Photography takes an instant out of time quote

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding still.” – Dorothea Lange

Photography is truth quote

More of the Best Inspirational Photography Quotes

“Photography is truth. The cinema is truth twenty-four times per second.” – Jean-Luc Godard

“Photography is a major force in explaining man to man.” – Edward Steichen

“Every viewer is going to get a different thing. That’s the thing about painting, photography and cinema.” – David Lynch

“Photography is kind of a virtual reality, and it helps if you can create the illusion of being in an interesting world.” – Steven Pinker

Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.

“Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.” – Bernice Abbott

Classic Photography Quotes

“Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all your are worth, and you will know the key to photography.” – George Eastman

“Photography is a small voice, at best, but sometimes one photograph, or group of them, can lure our sense of awareness.” – W. Eugene Smith

“Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be.” – Duane Michals

We take photographs as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone

“We take photographs as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.” – Katie Thurmes

“Let your words be few, and your exposures many.” – Author Unknown

“A portrait is not made in the camera, but on either side of it.” – Edward Steichen

“We are making photographs, to understand what our lives mean to us.” – Ralph Hattersley

“God creates the beauty. My camera and I are witnesses.” – Mark Denman

There are not rules for good photographs. There are only good photographs.

“There are not rules for good photographs. There are only good photographs.” – Ansel Adams

“I didn’t choose photography, photography chose me.” – Gerardo Suter

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” – Ansel Adams

“Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase.” – Percy W. Harris

“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson

“Photography is a language more universal than words.” – Minor White

Photography is a love affair with Life.

“Photography is a love affair with Life.” – Author Unknown

“A good photograph is knowing where to stand.” – Ansel Adams

“Photograph a face, and you photograph the soul behind it.” – Jean-Luc Godard

“The moment the shutter clicked, I felt a shift within me.” – Bryce Evans

“Life is like photography. You only need the negatives to develop.” –

“When people ask me what photography equipment I use – I tell them my eyes.” – Anonymous

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Final Thoughts

If you’re interested in learning more about jumping into portrait photography, check out this article here to get started. 

This article will help guide you into the creative field and get you on the right path. Happy shooting!

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